Uncategorized Archives - Livingston https://www.humane-livingston.org/category/uncategorized/ Animal Fest Fri, 18 Jun 2021 10:49:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.humane-livingston.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-Animal-Fest-32x32.png Uncategorized Archives - Livingston https://www.humane-livingston.org/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 What scores are the puppies awarded at shows? https://www.humane-livingston.org/what-scores-are-the-puppies-awarded-at-shows/ Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:21:45 +0000 https://www.humane-livingston.org/?p=93 Sometimes the highest mark in the junior class is “very good”.

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Puppy ratings are as follows:

Very promising (or very promising). Such puppies have a pronounced breed, good anatomical proportions, perfectly built, without birth defects, without defects in development and behavior. Also, the puppy should move well according to age, i.e. clearly qualify for a rating of at least “very good” in the future.

Perspective. This rating is awarded to those puppies who are free of constitutional and biological defects. They have the correct proportions, but there are some questions about conformation, behavior, development and movement, which suggests a dog of average breed level in the future.

Unpromising. Purebred puppies receive this assessment, but the exterior and development of such a puppy raises doubts for the breeding value.

Unpromising – puppies with biological defects and behavioral defects, with unacceptable deviations in development, whose breed is in doubt, that is, those that can hardly ever be used in breeding.

Sometimes the highest mark in the junior class is “very good”. The received mark and the place in the placement are entered in the diploma, which, together with the original or a copy of the description of the dog, is presented to the owner.

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In which age class can i enroll a dog? https://www.humane-livingston.org/in-which-age-class-can-i-enroll-a-dog/ Mon, 28 Dec 2020 10:19:31 +0000 https://www.humane-livingston.org/?p=90 When registering for the show, you can enroll your pet in the following show classes (separately by sex and age)

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When registering for the show, you can enroll your pet in the following show classes (separately by sex and age):

  • baby class (from 4 to 6 months);
  • class of puppies (from 6 to 9 months);
  • junior class (from 9 to 18 months);
  • intermediate class (or young class – from 15 to 24 months);
  • open class (from 15 months);
  • working class (from 15 months – in the presence of training diplomas);
  • class of winners (from 15 months – only at exhibitions of a certain rank and in the presence of certificates confirming exhibition titles);
  • Champion class (from 15 months – in the presence of diplomas confirming the title of the Champion of Beauty);
  • veteran class (from 8 years old).

At monobreed shows there are also such classes:
Winner class – from 15 months.
Champion class of the National Breed Club (National Breed Club) – from 15 months.
The age of the dog is determined on the day that precedes the day of the show.

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How to become a member of a cat show? https://www.humane-livingston.org/how-to-become-a-member-of-a-cat-show/ Tue, 01 Dec 2020 10:14:47 +0000 https://www.humane-livingston.org/?p=86 You learned (in your club, from friends or else, it doesn't matter in some way) that a cat show will be held on such and such a day of such and such a month (as a rule, this is a weekend).

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You learned (in your club, from friends or else, it doesn’t matter in some way) that a cat show will be held on such and such a day of such and such a month (as a rule, this is a weekend). You should stop by or call the club hosting the show and ask a few questions, namely:

  1. Who is responsible for holding the exhibition and accepting applications for participation?
  2. Under what system will the show be held, what kind of system is it, and does the show have an official license? (If not, your pet’s marks will not be recognized for the next title)
  3. Who will conduct the examination? (This is important as some experts are only allowed to judge select breed groups)
  4. What certificates are needed to participate in the exhibition?
  5. What is the cost of the examination?

If you are already a member of a club, check with the head of your club whether the marks and titles of this show will be valid for your animal, because not all systems recognize titles from shows from other systems and independent clubs.

Having understood for yourself all the answers and having made a decision to participate in the exhibition, you can apply to the exhibition. Usually the exhibition catalog is prepared no later than a week before the exhibition. Therefore, if you want your pet’s name to be included in the catalog, then hurry up. This is especially important for cat owners. This is free advertising for your cat. In addition, in many exhibition systems, an animal that is not included in the catalog does not have the right to undergo an examination.

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So what is a cat show? https://www.humane-livingston.org/so-what-is-a-cat-show/ Tue, 15 Sep 2020 10:13:06 +0000 https://www.humane-livingston.org/?p=83 First of all, this is a holiday! This is a cultural, aesthetic and ethical event! This is a breeding review of the achievements of felinology, selection, development of breeds and standards of cats, selection of the best producers.

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First of all, this is a holiday! This is a cultural, aesthetic and ethical event! This is a breeding review of the achievements of felinology, selection, development of breeds and standards of cats, selection of the best producers. This is the upbringing in children, youth, other citizens of a sense of love and respect for pets and the environment, an association of lovers of pets and other animals.

For a real breeder, breeder, exhibitions are of undoubted value. The animal undergoes a quality examination by an experienced expert who will note the merits and demerits of your beloved cat. At the show, animals are compared with the standard (ideal of the breed) and receive different grades and titles. Cats are also compared with each other. The expert’s task is to select the best animals, to show cats that are closest to the modern type in each breed. The best cats are awarded, they receive titles, win the Best in Show contests. At the same time, the expert notes the shortcomings and defects in animals, so that this is taken into account in breeding. The exhibition forms the classes of animals: show, breed, pet. It is at the exhibition that the class of the animal is confirmed, its compliance with the standard and the level of breeding, and, accordingly, its quality. The winners of the exhibition and show-rings receive cups, rosettes, prizes from the organizers and sponsors of the exhibition. The results of the exhibitions are covered in specialized media, on the websites of the felinological systems of the clubs that hold these exhibitions, a rating of the best animals is formed.

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